Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tire Kicking, Brain Picking, Time Wasters

Do you find my brain? - Auf der Suche nach mei...Image by alles-schlumpf via Flickr

Yesterday I read a blog by Catherine Lockey “Business Predators”. ( It is an insightful presentation well reasoned and well said. It was especially poignant for me as I recalled an appointment with one of her characters. His name, Mr. Terrible McMiserable.

He was controlling. His desk sat on a platform whereas my chair did not! So he literally towered over me by at least 12 inches. Talk about a power trip. He fired questions like a prosecuting attorney going for the kill. His questions were well rehearsed and random both in topic and volume. For example he quietly asked about my service and then immediately followed with a bellowed, “Why are you wasting my time?” Since he’d invited me to visit with him I wondered whose time was being wasted.

He didn’t want to learn about me or what I could provide his business. He only wanted my materials. Why? To give to my competitor! He arrogantly said so. “If you want my business you’ll do it on my terms. I want a friend to review your materials with an unbiased eye. By the way he is your competitor.”

While I don’t mind competition, I do mind educating my competition… unless there is a substantial matriculation fee. Thanks Catherine for a needed reminder.

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