Thursday, July 9, 2009

HRA Benefits Chiropractic

A couple weeks ago I shared the HRA concept with Dr. Jason Fullmer a fellow member of NExT (Network Exchange Team) and a Chiropractor. As I shared the HRA idea with him he was very interested but cautious. It seems that many of his patients' medical insurance plans cap the benefits for chiropractic service.

When he learned that the HRA reimbursement could be used for approved medical expenses including chiropractic he quickly saw that the insurance company cap wouldn't prevent the patient from using the balance of the HRA reimbursement for chiropractic treatment modalities. Since Dr Fullmer is also deeply involved in natural treatment modalities he saw how the HRA could benefit his patients there too.

Indeed the HRA flexibility is one of its best features. This same flexibility also places the buying power in the hand of the patient. This indeed will reduce costs since the patient is now part of the medical decision-making loop.

For more information on the HRA visit our website
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