Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Rush to What?

According to our federal officials in Sep 08 we needed to save our banks and loosen credit. The bailout did neither. But we did it in a rush.

Then the stimulus bill had to be passed in such a rush that no one read it! Now, four months later only about 10% has been released. What did we rush to?

Now the newest need to rush is the rush is nationalized health care. How is it justified. Mystical stats. For example: "There are 47 Million uninsured." Well that begs the question, "How many of those could afford health insurance but choose not to buy?"

As it turn out between the ages of 18-64, over 43% or 18 Million could afford health insurance but choose to spend their money elsewhere. See complete article at - "New EPI Healthcare Study".

Another study shows that the rush is still on. However there is no consensus. So the rush must be to limit or eliminate a complete and vigorous debate that should take place. The debate and required time for same is needed so that the phony stats and emotional fear generating tactics are exposed for what they are....... A rush to deceive.

Health debate: A little clarity, please - Jun. 19, 2009: "But President Obama has set a tight deadline. He wants both the House and Senate to pass their health reform bills by Aug. 1."

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1 comment:

  1. If anyone really thinks the government insurance plan will increase competition they need to think about this analogy:

    Suppose you open a new grocery store and sell all items including meat and seafood for $1.00. Your competitors will laugh saying that you'll be broke withing a week. However, you send them a letter that not only will you remain open but each of them will have to make up the difference between what you charge and the going market rate.

    That is government health insurance. No competition because there is no requirement for profit or return on investment.

    If you think I'm wrong, read what Barney Frank wants to do with the TARP money that is paid back by the banks. The law says it has to go back to the government. He wants to spend it elsewhere! I rest my case.
